Nea Artaki is a suburban town, within a distance of 8 kilometers north of Chalkida and 88 kilometers away from Athens. It is located in a plain surrounded by mountains and enumerates more than 10.000 residents. In 1924 refugees from Artaki in Propontida of Asia Minor arrived and settled in the area. From this point onwards the development of the town began and reached its peak in the 60s. However in the years that followed the development pace slowed down, mostly because of the unorganized development of the poultry industry. The efforts for further development of the area began again in the early 90s with the establishment of tourist facilities and the highlighting of the natural beauties of the area, making Nea Artaki a modern tourist resort.
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Its clear blue beaches of fine sand, Voleri and Kalamia, attract lots of visitors that are looking for a nice place to swim and sunbathe. In the town there are two big hotel units as well as some comfortable rooms to let. Every year, on august 23rd, Nea Artaki gets flooded with visitors that arrive to attend the celebrations in honour of Virgin Mary Faneromeni, as well as for the cultural events of Kizikeia that take place in the same period. |